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DryRun Security News
August 18, 2023

Developers and Security are Friends Day

We’re thrilled to be part of the very first Developers and Security are Friends Day! It’s happening in Austin, TX on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at Hotel Van Zandt.

The event is a free, full-day training for developers and security folks in application, product, and cloud security. You’ll come away with practical take-aways from industry leaders with experience at Netflix, Cloudflare, Manicode, Semgrep, Chaotic Good, Reddit, Tromzo, Vulnerable U, and last but not least DryRun Security.

DryRun Security CEO & Co-founder James Wickett, will speak on what is missing in most organizations and the intersection points between developers and security and what to do about it in his talk “Context Over Mandate: Where Developers and Security Meet”.

"I'm excited about the event because I believe that the narrative that there's a divide between developers and security is artificial. Developers care deeply about quality and security, and to suggest otherwise is a bit of a straw man. The stereotype of a divide between developers and security exists because of a misalignment between the groups, a lack of shared goals, and a failure to recognize the complexity contained in the word 'security' itself," noted Wickett when asked about what this day means to him.

If you’d like to learn about context and how it can help developers and security, before the event, we’ve got a great resource for you right here in our Resources section called A Guide on Contextual Security Analysis.

There are more amazing practitioners with lots of knowledge to share! Check out the speakers and agenda and register to save your spot.

We hope to see you there!