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DryRun Security News
July 15, 2024

DryRun Security Named Finalist for 2024 BlackHat Startup Spotlight Competition

AUSTIN, TX, July 12, 2024 — DryRun Security, a trailblazer in application security (AppSec), is excited to announce that it has been named one of four finalists for the prestigious 2024 BlackHat Startup Spotlight Competition. This recognition underscores DryRun Security's innovative approach in empowering developers and security teams with automated, behavioral code reviews.

James Wickett, CEO of DryRun Security, will present the company's cutting-edge technology at the competition, which will take place on August 5, 2024, in Las Vegas at BlackHat USA 2024. The competition, now in its third year, highlights startups with fewer than 50 employees that are solving critical security challenges with innovative solutions.

"We are thrilled to be recognized as a finalist among such remarkable companies," said James Wickett, CEO & Co-founder of DryRun Security. "Our approach using context and behavior to perform automated, seamless code reviews is making a significant impact, and we are excited to showcase our technology at BlackHat."

DryRun Security operates as if a team of elite AppSec code reviewers is continuously at work. A dozen analyzers examine your code to gather the needed security context, running within seconds after a developer makes a change. This proprietary process interrogates each code change based on behaviors, not just static patterns, answering critical security questions such as:

  • Is this change modifying the encryption of sensitive data?
  • Does this introduce new authorization to an API endpoint?
  • Is this code obfuscating its purpose?
  • And more!

These behavioral questions are beyond the scope of traditional static application security testing (SAST) or pattern-matching approaches. Currently, DryRun Security conducts more than 10,000 secure code reviews weekly for their customers, ensuring every code change is covered.

After using DryRun Security for a few weeks, the VP of engineering for a health-tech company shared, “This is the kind of stuff that traditionally we've relied on Steve for, but obviously Steve, there's only one of him. We've tried to clone him, but we can't.”

“The security industry has been analyzing software in the same way for about 26 years now. The industry took this outdated security tooling—built for security people—put it in the CI/CD pipeline, and marketed it as developer friendly” said Ken Johnson, CTO & Co-founder of DryRun Security. “That’s why James and I started DryRun Security. We have taken new foundational technology and used it to build not only a truly developer-first tool but an entirely new way of analyzing and detecting risk. If you’re a developer, you get a security buddy to help you. If you’re a security person, you have an awareness & triage agent to help scale your team.”

DryRun Security's innovative approach is grounded in the principles of Contextual Security Analysis (CSA). CSA leverages all pieces of context gathered as developers write code (e.g., code path, functions, author, language) to make contextually aware assertions in near real-time. This method short-circuits long feedback loops and reduces the noise generated by legacy scanners, prioritizing minimal clock time and integrating seamlessly with DevOps and Agile practices.

The BlackHat Startup Spotlight Competition serves as a high-profile platform for innovative startups. DryRun Security will present alongside three other finalists to a panel of renowned industry judges, including Omdia Senior Analyst Ketaki Borade, CISO Advisor and Investor Coleen Coolidge, Deepwatch Chief Information Security Officer Trey Ford, Omdia Principal Analyst Hollie Hennessy, Azeria Labs Founder & CEO Maria Markstedter, Partner at Lytical Ventures Lucas Nelson, Principal at Polymathics and Venture Partner at Nextgen Venture Partners Robert J. Stratton III, and Omdia Senior Principal Analyst Rik Turner.

The competition will kick off at 4:45 PM PST on August 5, and winners will be announced at approximately 5:50 PM PST the same day. For more information regarding BlackHat USA 2024, taking place at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas from August 3-8, please visit

**About DryRun Security**

DryRun Security is revolutionizing application security by providing automated, behavioral code reviews that ensure seamless and robust security for developers and security teams. By leveraging context and behavior, DryRun Security's proprietary technology interrogates each code change to deliver unparalleled security insights. Try it free at

**Media Contact:**

Tiffany Knudtson
Marketing and Media Coordinator
DryRun Security